Words, words, words.

By:  Rob

When I was younger and more foolish, I felt that words flowed endlessly like a river or at least sprung from a limitless well.  If you ever feel that way, I would encourage you to take up blogging.  Content generation on a reliable, ongoing basis will be one of the hardest things you ever do.  

But the blog must go on and this one had reached a level of success that pleases me greatly.  So in 2011 I’m going to mess with it.  Free WordPress is a truly wonderful thing and it has been very good to this enterprise.  But I’m going to move away from it so that we can have a little more control over how things look, hopefully by the end of the first quarter.  I’m enlisting the help the self-same developer who created the www.sidebusinessloans.com site.  It should be an exciting project to say the least!

 In terms of content, not much is going to change.  I want to deliver useful, relevant worthwhile material that is free to you, dear reader.  Moreover, when people email me follow up questions at the presentations I give, I want to use the blog as a vehicle for answering them.  We still plan on having guest posters and if you would like to write for us, please email me.  We will pay you.

I also want to take a moment to thank Mala Mason for all her work on That Credit Union Blog.  Mala and I worked together for years and she has been instrumental in the success of the blog.  She will be missed!

As the days wind down in 2010, I am blending my vacation schedule with my work schedule and getting ready to launch our big plans for next year.  Happy Holidays everyone!

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